Synchaeta pectinata: this very common pelagic rotifer can be identified by the two tubular antennae on the frontal margin (arrows). (3) |
Synchaeta pectinata: another specimen from (2). apical field strongly convex |
Synchaeta pectinata: detail image of the head showing the cilated antennae and the four styles. |
Synchaeta pectinata: focal plane on the ventral longitudinal (yellow arrowheads) and transversal (green arrowheads) muscles. The toes are minute. |
Synchaeta pectinata: trophi (3) |
Synchaeta pectinata: sometimes the trophi are protruded. |
Synchaeta pectinata: very often this species is infected by fungal (microsporidal) parasites. |
Synchaeta pectinata: another specimen with parasites. |
Synchaeta pectinata: because of the spines the amictic egg of this species maybe confused with the amictic egg of Lepadella sp., but the spines are bifurcate at the top, whereas in Lepadella the spines are bifurcate at the base. (17.04.2007) |
Location: Gevelsberg, Grünes Klassenzimmmer, pond (1,2); Witten (NRW), Hammerteich (3) |
Habitat: Plankton (1); (2); (3) |
Date:14.3.05 (1); 14.4.2007 (2); 05.05.2017 (3) |